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Statement on Anti-Black Sentiments by LA City Councilmembers and LA County Labor Fed President

We are absolutely disgusted by the recently released comments that were made by Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez, Councilmembers and former members of the Legislature Gil Cedillo and Kevin de León, and Los Angeles County Federation of Labor President, Ron Herrera.

The previous voting records of these City Councilmembers show a history of policies that negatively affect communities of color, and now in light of their closed door conversations it is clear that their actions are rooted in anti-Blackness. We believe any votes moving forward would continue to agendize their anti-Blackness and racism against the Black community, and for these reasons we are calling on them to resign from their positions as City Councilmembers. Our position extends to LA County Federation of Labor President, Ron Herrera, as well.

This is not what leadership looks like, and the bigotry and hatred these four people have clearly shown against the Black community have no place anywhere near the Los Angeles City Council. As an organization that values equity and justice, we are proud to stand with and support Black elected leaders, their communities, and families. We are deeply disturbed by this anti-Black rhetoric and our community deserves better than this display of blatant racism.

The CLBSA Board

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